

Қишки ғамламалар

uRadio.uz онлайн радио орқали “Таомлар” номли дастурида ҳозир айни мевали шарбат ва мурабболар тайёрлаш вақти бўлганлиги туфайли қишки ғамламалар ҳақида маълумот бериб ўтган эдик. Ушбу эшиттиршларни ўтказиб юборган тингловчилар учун қуйидаги маълумотларни ҳавола қиламиз. 
Ҳозир айни мевалар ғарқ пишган вақт. Бозор расталарида истаган меваларингиз, шафтоли, олма, анжир, узум, нок, беҳи ва бошқа турли хил етилиб пишган меваларни ҳарид қилишингиз мумкин. Ҳар бир хонадон бекаси қиш мавсумида ҳам ёзнинг шукуҳини тотиш мақсадида, албатта юқорида санаб ўтилган мевалардан шарбат ва мурабболарни пишириб бонкаларга ёпадилар ва шу билан қишнинг ғамини кўриб қўядилар.

Музқаймоқ ҳақида

uRadio.uz онлайн радиосининг «Таомлар” номли дастурида „Музқаймоқ ҳақида“ги эшиттириши билан таништиришда давом этамиз.
Бутун дунёда мингдан зиёд музқаймоқ турлари мавжуд. Кунлар исиши билан ҳамма музқаймоқни хуш кўриб танаввул қилиши сир эмас.
Музқаймоқнинг энг кенг тарқалган тури — ванилиндан тайёрлаганидир.
Иқтисодчиларнинг ҳисоб-китобига кўра, бир йилда бутун дунё бўйича 7,5-11 миллард долларлик музқаймоқ ишлаб чиқарилар экан.

АҚШда июль ойи расман 1984 йилдан бошлаб президент Рейган томонидан “музқаймоқ ойи” деб қабул қилинган. Айнан шу ойда музқаймоқлар шарафига катта байрамлар ўтказилади.
Буюк Британияда 1000 га яқин музқаймоқ ишлаб чиқадиган компаниялар бор. Йил давомида бир кишига 8 литр музқаймоқ кетар экан.

Кабачки ҳақида

uRadio.uz онлайн радио орқали “Таомлар” номли дастурида кабачок маҳсулотининг келиб чиқиш тарихи унинг фойдали хусусиятлари ҳақида маълумот бериб ўтган эдик.Ушбу эшиттиршларни ўтказиб юборган тингловчилар учун қуйидаги маълумотларни ҳавола қиламиз.
Кабачок  – қовоқдошлар оиласига кирувчи бир йиллик ўсимлик бўлиб, қаттиқ пўстли қовоқнинг тезпишар тури ҳисобланади. Маълумотларга қараганда, кабачок XIV асрда Европада озуқа сифатида ишлатилган. Россияга XIX аср бошларида Туркия ва Грециядан кириб келган. Кабачокда қовоқларга нисбатан қанд миқдори камроқ бўлади, яъни  4 фоиз қанд, 0,6 фоиз клетчатка, 0,6-0,8 г. протеин бор. Кабачок минерал моддалар ҳамда витаминларга бой. Мева таркибида пектин моддаси кўп бўлиб, шифобахшлилик ва парҳезбопликда тенги йўқ.

Қўзиқорин ҳақида

uRadio.uz онлайн радио орқали “Таомлар” номли дастурларининг бирида қўзиқорин ва унинг фойдали хусусиятлари ҳамда ундан тайёрланадиган таомлар рецептлари тўғрисидаги эшиттириши тингловчиларга ҳавола этилган эди. Агарда ушбу эшиттиршларни ўтказиб юборган бўлсангиз, муаммо эмас. Эндиликда, мазкур эшиттиришларни қуйидаги блог орқали танишиб чиқишингиз мумкин бўлади.
Қўзиқоринлар ўзига хос таъми ва ифори билан бошқа маҳсулотлардан ажралиб туради. Парҳезшунослар уни “ўрмон гўшти” ҳам дейишади, чунки у ҳақиқатдан ҳам жуда тез очлик ҳиссини йўқотади. Халқ табобатида қўзиқоринни бир қанча касалликларни даволашда қўлланади. Моҳир ошпазлар эса ундан ажойиб таомлар ва салатлар тайёрлашади. Лекин болаларга қўзиқоринларни беришда эҳтиёткор бўлган афзал.

Pomidor va undan tayyorlanadigan taomlar

uRadio.uz ta’limiy onlayn radioning «Taomlar» dasturi tinglovchilari uchun havola etilgan «Pomidor va undan tayyorlanadigan taomlar» to‘g‘risidagi eshittirishni havola qilamiz.  
Pomidor bir yillik, tropik iqlimlarda koʻp yillik oʻt oʻsimlikdir. Sabzavot ekini sifatida keng ekiladi. Imiy terminologiyada tomat nomi ishlatilsa-da, Oʻzbekistonda oʻsimligi ham, mevasi ham pomidor yoki xalq orasida «pamildori» deb yuritiladi. Pomidor italyancha pomod'oro soʻzidan olingan boʻlib, «oltin olma» degan maʼnoni anglatadi.

Амир Темурнинг пул-молия тизими

XIV — XV асрларнинг иккинчи ярмида жаҳоннинг тарихий майдонида сиёсат ва саркардалик даҳоси бизнинг буюк бобокалонимиз Соҳибхирон Амир Темур томонидан тузилган давлат вужудга келди.
Давлатнинг майдаланишига ва майда бек ва султонларни бир — бири билан урушишига қарши курашиб, у Ўрта Осиё, Афғонистон, Эрон, Ироқ, Ҳиндистон, Кавказ орти, Анатолия ва Сурия халқларини ягона империяга бирлаштиришга эришди ва уни 35 йил давомида, яъни 1360 йилдан 1405 йилгача бошқарди.

Амир Темур тангалари

Ўзининг дастлабки хукмронлик йилларидан бошлаб Амир Темур сўнгги чиғатойлар сулоласи хонлари ҳукмронлиги оқибатидатўла издан чикқан пул хўжалиги ҳолатига эътиборини каратди.
Ҳозирда унинг номи бнтилган машҳур тангаларнинг энг қадимгиси 774/1372-73 йилларга бориб тақалади. Улар чиғатой тангалариандозаси бўйича зарб қилиб келинган. 80-йиллар

Legends of Uzbekistan

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The Khan and the Weaver
A long time ago, when Khans ruled the regions of Central Asia, there lived in the city of Margelon a cruel and vicious ruler. He was the Khan, and he lived in a beautiful palace behind great walls in the center of the city, while the people of that city lived in poor clay huts surrounding the palace.
The Khan was very vain and proud, and liked to dress himself in fine clothing. Every morning he ordered his weavers to make a new robe for him from the very finest of fabrics.

One day the Khan learned that a new weaver had arrived in the city. He summoned the weaver to the palace, and said, “I have heard that you weave beautiful fabrics. Tomorrow morning you shall bring me a robe made of a fabric which no eyes have ever seen before. If you fail, I

Бургерлар ҳақида

uRadio.uz онлайн радиоси орқали“Таомлар” номли дастурида бургерларнинг пайдо бўлиш тарихи ва ушбу мазали таомни уй шароитида тайёрлаш усули тўғрисидаги эшиттириш тингловчиларга ҳавола этилган эди. Агарда ушбу эшиттиршларни ўтказиб юборган бўлсангиз, муаммо эмас. Эндиликда, мазкур эшиттиришларни қуйидаги блог орқали танишиб чиқишингиз мумкин бўлади.

Ҳозир бу гаплар эртакдек эшитилиши мумкин, бироқ юз йиллар муқаддам иккита булочка орасига солинган котлет одамлар орасида ўта машҳур бўлиб кетишига ҳеч ким ишонмаганэди. Ўзининг содда тайёрланиши ва ширин мазаси билан бу таом аллақачон одамлар эътирофига тушишгаулгурди.Бугунги кунда бургерлар шунчалик машҳур бўлиб кетдики, эртами кечми унинг қандай пайдо бўлиш тарихи кимдирга қизиқарли туюлиши аниқ эди.

Legends of Uzbekistan

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The Sheep and Kashkir
Once upon a time there was a very bad king. One day the king put a poor guiltless man, whose name was Kashkir, in a dungeon. The parents of this man were related to the king, and only for this reason did they find any favor from him.
The king said to him, “I will set you free only on one condition. I will give you one sheep and hay, with which you can feed him, for one month. After one month we will put the sheep on a scale, and if the sheep weighs more than it does today, you will lose your head.” Kashkir had no choice but to agree.

So the king ordered his servants to give the sheep and the hay to the young man, and a place in the palace to stay. Of course, the young man understood that he would not be able to do what the king wanted, and was

Legends of Uzbekistan

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The Master Potter
Once there lived a potter who made the very best ceramic vases, plates and dishes. He had a very good pupil, but one day his pupil decided to make plates without further instruction from his teacher. He tried and tried many times, but his dishes were not as bright or as colorful as his master’s.

Then he

Legends of Uzbekistan

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Emom Azam
In Uzbek history there was an outstanding scientist by the name of Emam Azam. One day, as he was walking along the river, he saw a beautiful apple hanging from a tree, and very badly wanted to taste it. He took the apple and bit it. But as he continued on his journey, his conscience began to bother him, because he had eaten an apple which did not belong to him.

With such thoughts, he returned to the place where he had gotten the apple, he called to the owner and told him what he had done. The owner listened attentively, then said, “Okay, I forgive you, but I have one condition. You must marry my daughter, but I need to tell you, she cannot speak, cannot hear, cannot see, and cannot walk.”

Legends of Uzbekistan

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How Samarkand Got Its Name
A long time ago, in a region of Central Asia, there was a great and wicked king who lived in a beautiful castle. One day his wife gave birth to a beautiful daughter and they named her Kand, which means sugar in the Uzbek language.

About the same time, there was a baby boy born to a very poor family. They named him

Legends of Uzbekistan

A treasury of uzbek legends and lore
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It has been known from ancient times, that there was a king who traveled with his army to many countries. At last he came to a town near the mountains of Central Asia. Soon after they arrived there, his favorite wife became ill, and he was very frightened that he would lose her, so he said to his ministers, “If anyone should inform me about the death of my wife, I will remove his head.”
He called the doctors from every city and village, but they could not find the cause of his wife’s illness. Then one day when he was away, his wife died, but no one could bear to tell the news to the king. They pondered with great difficulty about how to solve the problem when, finally, a wise young man came forward and said that he would tell the king. Everybody was amazed

National folk instruments (Tanbur)

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Tanbur — A stringed instrument in the shape of a pear. It usually plays classical music with a sorrowful sound.
The Mulberry Tree and the Silkworm
At the time of the reign of the Persian king, Fariddin, the great scientist, Pifagor, created the tanbur. He made it with the wood of the mulberry tree, and he used the silk from the silkworm for the strings.

National Folk Instruments (Noghora)

A treasury of uzbek legends and lore
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Noghora — a very large drum made from leather and played with sticks. Often used to lead troops into battle or to call people to an execution.

 The Voice Heard Through 18 Stones
According to legend it is said, that when Iscandar Zulkarnayen (Alexander of Macedonia) occupied Iran and Central Asia, he gathered together more than 400

National Folk Instruments (Ud)

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Ud — A large instrument with four strings.
Fisoghur's Dream
One day, when Fisoghur was sleeping, he had a dream. In the dream an old man came to him and said, “Tomorrow, early in the morning, you must go to the market where they make thread from cotton, and you will discover a secret there.”

The music of Uzbekistan

A treasury of uzbek legends and lore
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The importantance of music
In ancient times there was a king who had no heir, but he had a very wise advisor. The advisor knew that, if the king should die, there would be a big struggle for the throne.
Finally, the time of the king’s death came, and the advisor sent messengers throughout the land. He ordered them to bring all the male children that were born on the day the king hat died. He also ordered the musicians to come to the palace. When all the babies and musicians were there, he put one servant near each one, and when the babies began to cry, he ordered musicians to play their instruments. He told the servants to tell him which baby would stop crying first at the sound of the music.

Zumrad and Kimmat

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A very long time ago there lived an old man with his daughter, Zumrad. After his wife he died, he thought his daughter needed a mother so he decided to marry again. The stepmother had a daughter of her own, and her name was Kimmat. Zumrad was a very beautiful, clever and kind girl, but Kimmat was very wicked.


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Once upon a time there was an old man who had three sons. Before he died he called his sons together, and told them that there was a sack of gold in the large field where the old man grew rice. Soon after the old man died, the sons wasted no time in digging up the entire field, but they could not find the gold. They were sorely disappointed. Finally they gave up.
When winter came they were very hungry, because they had not planted the field with rice. In spring they planted rice, and in the summer they had a bountiful harvest, which they were able to sell at great profit.
They realized that the gold, of which their father had spoken, was in the work of their hands and in the sacks of rice.